Omen IV: The Awakening

Our daughter isn't sacrosanct.
Every time her odd behavior
is mentioned, you get defensive.

Herbehavioris notodd.
Lou toldyou.

When childrennolongerfeelthe center
ofattention, they do outrageous things.

That's what happened.
I had a serious talkwith her.
She promised
she wouldn't do it again.

There's all kinds ofthings.
Jo's Book ofLight.

She flashed it at me at the window
like she wanted me to see it.

Ifounditin thebushes.
Parts are underlined, making
references to Biblepassages.

In it was aphotograph
ofJoandDelia at thepsychic fair.

-It was a Kirlian photograph.

Gene, pleaselisten tome!
I talkedto theman who tookit.
He was a friendofJo's.

-Itphotographs auras.
-Honey, come on!

Don'tyou think it's odd our daughter
has never had any childhood illnesses?

Not necessarily. She obviously
has a strong immune system.

Strong immune system.
Friends, friends.

She has no friends.
Don'tyou think that's odd?

Yes, I know that's odd,
but I didn't have any friends too.

I was an only child,
and I turned out okay.

Karen, look.
I'll keep my eyes open.
I'll be on the lookout.

anything atall, I'll deal with it.

We'll deal with it together?
Come on.
Come on! Time togo.
