Omohide poro poro

There was no way for me to have big dreams in the days when I was just
simply going back and forth between school and home.

...and it's been on the wall for a long time.
That's nice.
And I was told to keep the essay I wrote on the book, because they
might send it to a contest. If that happens, I'll be very happy...

You didn't eat your school lunch again.
Why do you put it between bread?
Because I hate namasu .
Well, if you do this, we can't use the bread or the namasu.
How wasteful.
The kid who can eat all of her food is more respected than the one who
can write an essay.

Wow, how can you drink that tasteless stuff?
The milk's all right. It's the daikon radish and onion I can't stand.
Since I'm leaving carrots today, I have to drink the milk.
I wonder who decided you could only leave one thing?
Want me to drink it?
W..would you?
And next time, you could eat my daikon or onion in return?
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
``Thank you!''
Aah, carrots!?
You can leave one thing, you know...
