Omohide poro poro

I was right, the second bowl is worse...
There are people who keep running if they are told to start over again
by the hall monitors.

I think to keep running is really bad.
``Start over again?'' Spare me.
You can't run in the halls.
That's right, that's right.
It's dangerous--you might hurt somebody.
No way--if I hit a girl like you, Toko, I would be the one hurt.
I'm hit!
Once you ran, what can you do about it?
Here, here.
Be quiet.
Why not abolish the system of starting over?
You can't, it's part of the rules.
If you have an opinion, please raise your hand.
I do.
I think the hall monitor should run after the runner, catch them, and
make them go back and start over.

I do!
And then the hall monitor has to go back and start over, too.
Right, right!
That's more like it!
That's right.
Yes, Tani Tsuneko-san.
I don't think that the hall monitors need to start over because...
...their job is just like a police patrol car catching a speeder.
Any opposing arguments?
Like a patrol car...?
...Then running is no good.
The decision rests on allowing the hall monitor to run.
Anything else to discuss?
