Omohide poro poro

He transferred to my school. He got the seat next to me.
Abe-kun once said, ``I'm not gonna shake hands with you.''
Abe-kun was, you see...
I guess his family was quite poor, so he didn't even have a P.E.

He was filthy, and wiped his nose noisily on his sleeve or picked it.
And if you tried to keep from looking shocked by him, he threatened
you by saying ``You want to get beat up?''

I hated it and could hardly bear it, so I was looking forward to the
Summer vacation--we wouldn't be able to change our seats until then.

When we danced the "Oklahoma Mixer" {yes, the American square dance},
I hated to hold his hand,

and I also hated how he forced me to lend him my notebook when he
didn't bring his homework.

The girls gossiped about Abe-kun, whispering things like
anti-contagion hexes .

However, at least I didn't join that group. Because I felt it was the
worst thing to hate someone by talking about them behind their back.
