Omohide poro poro

``I'm not gonna shake hands with you.''
``I'm not gonna shake hands with you...''
The one who was thinking the most... that Abe-kun was dirty, was me.
Abe-kun must have known this, in fact. So that's why he didn't let me
shake his hand...

May I ask what happened at the farmhouse?
I have been such a person since I was a child. I just act nice.
I still am.
You seem strange today. It's not like the Taeko-san that I know.
Anyway, its not my business what you've been saying at the farmhouse.
Um, don't misunderstand--it's not related to the farmhouse at all.
I'm sorry. I remembered my time in elementary school, and immediately
was ashamed of myself.

That's foolish. Could it be that Abe-kun liked you so that's why he
didn't want to shake your hand for goodbye?
