Regarding Henry

Now, obviously,
any decent human being

would want to believe
Mr. Matthews...

believe that he told the
admitting nurse, Mrs. Valdez

that he was diabetic.
It would seem... poetic
that someone else was to blame.

It would feel right.
But it wouldn't be fair.
Let's-let's think for a second.
Who's being blamed here?
It's not some, some big bad
hospital corporation.

We're talking
about human beings.

Four doctors, five nurses,
the hospital chief of staff
present at the time.

All of them there
for no other purpose

than to try and save
Jonathan Matthews' life.

Now, this is painful,
and I don't like doing this,

but if we're all going to do
our jobs,

I've got to bring this up again.
Mr. Matthews is an alcoholic.
In July of 1979,
he tried to commit suicide.

And, you know, even I was
surprised to learn

from the plaintiff's
own doctors, ironically,

that this tragedy
could have been caused

by the abuse of alcohol.
So here's my point:
We all understand why
Mr. Matthews is blaming
the hospital...

but nobody could have prevented
Mr. Mathews' suffering

except Mr. Matthews.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
The table you delivered is
not the table I ordered.

I'm-I'm having a party
on Friday,

and the table sitting
in my dining room

looks like a goddamned turtle.
We find for the defendant
on all counts.
