Regarding Henry

Here you go.
Thank you.
It looks fine.

All right, listen.
Since you're still not making
any noise,
I'm choosing the menu.

When you start to talk,
you can pick.

Eggs Bradley.
Made 'em myself.
Hope you like 'em.
What's wrong,
don't like my eggs?

Ah! Agh! Ah!
What? Okay, okay, I
heard you, I heard you.

Don't be pretending
you can't talk.

Listen, if you don't speak,
I don't know what you want.

All you got to do is tell me.
Anything you want.
All you go to do
is make the call.

This is like room service here,

You ever been to a hotel?
So, what do you want?
Cheeseburger? Huh?
No, no, no.

You like caviar
and shit like that, right?

Cool, man, just-just tell me
you want caviar.

Come on, say "caviar. "
"Ca-vi-ar. "
What? Come on, man, say it.
R- Ritz.
You want some crackers?
You can have anything you want,
and you want some crackers.

Get this man some Ritz crackers!
The work they do at Lawrence
is just... inspiring.
Henry's doing wonderfully.
You wouldn't believe your eyes.
I knew he'd set records
for recovery.

you'd be very proud of him.

He's working hard.
Working hard... Henry?
I can't imagine.
Every day I'm there,
it just amazes me.

He's lucky to have you.
I second that.
Thank you.
I wanted to ask.
Now, don't take this
the wrong way, darling.

I wanted to make sure...
that things are under control.

That you're okay.
Well... considering,
I'm perfect.
