Return to the Blue Lagoon

-Why do you wear clothes when bathing?
-lt`s proper.

-Why don`t Richard and l wear clothes?
-l gave up on you long ago.

l put your clothes on
and you`d just take them off.

-l wish l looked like him down there.

-He can aim when he goes:
-l can hit a mango leaf dead centre.

Why does he have one he can aim
and we don`t?

God, in his infinite wisdom,

Well, nature gave us different parts.
-You see, a female has a--
-A cowrie shell.

-Lilli looks like a cowrie shell there.

So that`s what you call mine,
a cowrie shell.

-And we call Richard`s a--
-No, no, no! Never mind.

l should have explained certain
of life`s facts to you years ago.

-Explain certain of life`s facts now.
-No, l need to think about it first.

l`ll explain it after your
spelling lesson tonight.

-Let`s rinse off.

All right? Everybody.
Why do people get married?
God commanded that when a man
and woman love each other...

...they take vows.
Vows are like promises.

They make promises to each other
in the eyes of God.

And that`s called
the marriage ceremony.

Here`s the ceremony
your father used to say...

...when he performed marriages
at the mission.

What about the life facts?
