
- Sounds like most people I know. - So.
They must like children too, because...
the statistics of the F.B.I. Since 1980...
said that 350,000 children are just missing.
They disappeared.
There are not that many perverts around.
You know the worst thing about this, pal?
Is that you're in close proximity to all this.
You know, I mean, Houston's right down the road.
You know, the main headquarters. NASA.
Sure, in the main headquarters, around the world...
All right, look. I gotta go see this friend of mine, okay?
- Yeah, right in here. - Is this it? Okay.
Anyway, look, pal. It's been nice talking to you.
I really hope your friend isn't one of them already.
- I'm sure he's not. - Yeah, well.
- I just thought you had the right to know. - Thanks.
Tell you what, listen. I'm gonna stick around outside, just for a little
kind of make sure everything's okay.
You know, make sure we weren't followed.
Have a nice day.
- Hi, how you doing? - All right.
- How's it going? - Fine.
- Matter of fact, where are you going? - Going home.
Oh, you live here. Okay, sure. Well.
Just a little security check. There've been some people missing.
Nothing to worry about, pal. Okay, you gotta go.
I mean, you're in a hurry. That makes perfect sense.
Things are speeding up here at the end.
What a day, what a day.
The thing is, the media's trying to hold up this whole one-party,
two-faction system...
by telling you that George Bush got this mandate with 54% of the vote.
And thatjust doesn't take into account the whole population of the country.
They say that 50.3%, in the media...
they say 50.3% of the eligible population participated in the '88
But I think the figure's a hell of a lot lower than that. You gotta consider.
Prisoners. We got more people incarcerated in this country...
than any other country in Western history.
Noncitizens, the underage, the overage, people too old to get to the polls.
People out in rural areas. People who don't have addresses.
