
- No problem. Now, just - - Dick.
It all makes sense if you just read this passage here.
What did you do with the bookmark?
I didn't do anything with the bookmark.
- There wasn't one in there. - This is when Leopold discovers...
that he's just been fucked over by his wife.
He says, "If he had smiled, why would he have smiled?
"To reflect that each one who enters imagines himself to be the first to
"Whereas he is always the last term of a preceding series.
"Even if the first term of succeeding ones each imagining himself to be
"last, only and alone.
"Whereas he is neither first, nor last, nor only, nor alone...
in a series originating in and repeated to infinity. "
Hey, wait up.
- Hey, how's it going? - Hi. Okay. Where have you been?
- Oh, nowhere. - We've gotta get a move on.
- I got you something. - What?
- Great. NutraSweet, my favorite. - Come on, I got it for half price.
- Budding capitalist youth. - Say, y'all. Y'all got some change.
- Yeah. - Nah.
- There you go. - Thank you.
- You want a soda? - Yeah, I appreciate it.
You know, there's something very wrong with that.
What, that I gave the guy your Coke? The quarter?
Both of them, both of them. It's bad for both of you.
Him because it's not really gonna help him.
And you because that relationship is naturally going to involve...
that condescending element, maybe even contempt.
Granted giving the man a quarter isn't gonna change his life around.
I do realize that. There are better ways to help.
- I've been looking into these groups. - That's what I'm talking about.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. See, we're conditioned to assume...
that suffering is bad.
It's not. See, when you pity someone...
all you're able to see is this base creature in them.
You can't see any true potential.
I think it's their potential I do see.
But it's like all these other futile causes that you fall into.
They all stem from a certain weakness.
