Tacones lejanos

I wanted us to break up
You were lovers?
I wanted to put an end
to that madness

You knew?
Do not lie!
You knew it or you guessed it

You said nothing to me and
I do not like to imagine things

I've nothing to do
with the failure of your marriage

Nobody's accusing you,
now talk to the judge

He's asking the questions
Manuel seduced me,
I let it happen

Alas, I was always weak
with men

With some, anyway
When I found out
he was cheating on me too...

I went to see him
to break...

Until when?
I do not know any more...
10 perhaps
The taxi
will be able to confirm it

He told us
that you were upset

Yes, Manuel had destroyed my life
and that of my daughter!

I would like to leave
You can go
You can call me at home...
If it wasn't Becky,
it happened afterwards

Between 10 and 11
It wasn't her
You are sure?
Before a premiere, it would be
bad business to kill someone

Especially one's son-in-law...
it's a good argument

You said
you arrived at 11

The sprinkler
doesn't operate before then

Your husband was alone
in the house
