Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Anything it samples
by physical contact.

Get real.
It could disguise itself
as a pack of cigarettes?

No, only an object
of equal size.

Why not just become a bomb
or something to get me?

Why not just become a bomb
or something to get me?

It can't form complex machines.
Guns and explosives
have chemicals, moving parts.

It doesn't work that way.
- But it can form solid metal shapes.
- Like what?

Knives and stabbing weapons.
These were taken by
a video surveillance camera...

at the West Highland Police Station
in 1984.

He killed 17 police officers
that night.

Men with families...
These were taken at a mall
in Reseda...

Miss Connor, we know you know
who this guy is.

Miss Connor, we know you know
who this guy is.

Miss Connor, we know you know
who this guy is.

I just sat here and told you
that your son is missing...

that the foster parents
have been murdered.

We know this guy's involved.
Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Don't you care?

We're wasting our time.
Let's go.
Sorry, guys.
She's grown more disconnected
from reality as time goes on.

I'm afraid she can't help us now.
If she clears at all and can
give us anything, I'll call you.

Douglas, take her back to her room.
