The Doors

All right
Hi, Jim.
Can l have your autograph?

Hi, Jim.
Can l have your autograph?

- l don't know. Where do you want it?
- Anywhere you want it.

Leave it to me.
l can take you all the fucking way.

- You blew my mind.
- Did you like the music?

l loved it.
That's why we're talking.

Some of it's on the dark side.
You ought to get some tunes.

Herman's Hermits stuff.
Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter

That shit goes right to the radio.
l need him here
to groove on my boyfriend.

What about getting us
some real equipment?

l sign you
to a five-year management contract--

You with the joint.
Put that out, please.

- We can smell that upstairs.
- l can get you there.

Trust me for a while.
What do you say?

We'll have a band meeting on it.
We do everything unanimously
or we don't do it.

The Musketeers.
l'm touched.
Let me tell you something.
Loyalty don't pay the bills.

Think about it and call me tomorrow.
Here's my card.

Pay attention.
You could get rich.

- Are you blind?
- How old are you?

- Twenty-one.
- Get lost, will you?

l'll make this quick and to the point.
lf you repeat it, l'll deny it.

Drop those guys.
Jim's got to start facing the crowd
if he's going to be our front man.

He's just getting his confidence.
- The guy never does what's rehearsed--
- Well, how does it feel?

lt feels great, but--
Your looks. Your voice.
That's what's going to sell records.

We'll make a million bucks a year.
Call me.
l'm right.

Hey, man, let's go.
Do yourself a favor.
Call Larry.

l like a guy
who wears his soul on his face.

Whisky's next, man.
l can feel it in my bones.

l still think the lyrics are weird.
The days are bright
And filled with pain
Enclose me in your gentle rain
