The Fisher King

Don't pour gasoline
all over yourself...

...and light a match
just to break up with me.

Just tell me the truth.
I was not seeing anyone else.
I really was attacked.
-I've got a cut here.
-Okay, I see it now. I'm sorry.

I love you. What are you gonna do?
You don't have to say it back.
Although it wouldn't
break your jaw to try.

You know what the Holy Grail is?
Holy Grail?
Yeah, I know that one.
That was like Jesus' juice glass.

Yeah, I used to be such a Catholic.
-Do you still believe in God?
-You gotta believe in God.

But I don't believe that God made
men in His image.

Most of the shit that happens
is because of men.

No, I think man was made
in the Devil's image...

...and women were created out of God.
After all, women have babies,
which is kind of like creating.

And it accounts for the fact
that women are so attracted to men.

Let's face it, the Devil is
a hell of a lot more interesting.

I've slept with some saints in my day,
and believe me....

So the whole point of life...
...I think, is for men and women...
:31:28 get married, so that God
and the Devil can get together...

...and work it out.
Not that we have to get married
or anything.

God forbid.
You have a little thing right here.
What, a pimple?
This stuff is supposed to blend
with my skin. Like it works.

No, I don't think I'm up for it
tonight, honey.

I just had a very
traumatic experience.
