The Fisher King

There, that's his real name.
Henry Sagan.

He was a teacher at Hunter College.
They kept him in a mental place
over on Staten lsland.

He did not speak for a year,
and then suddenly he started talking.

Only now, he's this " Parry" guy.
He and his wife used to live upstairs.
When he got released...
...they sent him here.
I felt bad.
He couldn't work.
Nobody wanted him.
So I let him stay in the basement.
He helped out.
I'd give him a couple of dollars.

People throw things away,
he gets them.

She was a beautiful girl.
He was crazy about her.
I appreciate the way you deal
with people. I'm a big fan.

I enjoy and appreciate it.
I especially appreciated it
when you told that old schmuck--

Who does he think he is,
talking about the money you made?

Who was he to ask
Jack Lucas anything?

I listen to you every day.
You are a consistent,
integral man. I mean it.

What's the matter, baby?
Can't sleep?
I'll tell you something, Anne.
I really feel cursed.
Stop it.
Things will change.
I feel like I'm a magnet,
but I attract shit!

Out of all the people in this city...
...why'd I meet a man
whose wife I killed?

You didn't kill anybody. Stop it.
I wish there was some way I could...
...just pay the fine and go home.
