The Fisher King

For a short time,
until you get your own.

Why don't you come on down
to the store...

... check it out,
see if you're interested.

Did Phyllis tell you to call me and--
Did Phyllis in Accounting do that?
No, I told you, you won a contest!
You have just--
This is gonna be rough.
This is gonna be rough.
Well, I need to warm up.
I'm Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
I can't find my baby!

I knew I could make you smile.
Look, one chorus
and then you're out of there.

Jack, I'm a man with a mission.
I can't believe I'm on
a first-name basis with these people.

Can I help you?
Is a mousy little woman
named Lydia here?

If you wait, I'll get--
It's a personal message.
-I have to deliver it.
-You can't go back there!

Lydia Sinclair?
You must be she.
