The Fisher King

I'm shocked!
I mean, a childbearing body
like yours....

A guy would have to be
out of his mind.

Most guys are.
This incredible woman going to waste
before my very eyes.

No, this is outrageous!
I will not hear this.
No! No, come on.

-Jack, get over here.
-I am your man, then!

Let's do it right here!
Let's go to that place
of "splendour in the grass"!

Behold my magic wand and free
your golden orbs right now!

You know what I'm saying.
What are you? Out of your mind?
-Close your pants.
-Took you long enough.

Are you a 40 in a jacket?
Yeah, that's it.
This is gonna work.
You let me know, because you're
too good a woman to go to waste.

Come in.
I've never been in an apartment
above a store before.

You always walk past them
on the street...

...but you never really think
anyone lives in them.

Can I get you something?
A little coffee?

A little tea? A little tequila?
