The Silence of the Lambs

Po savaitës baigiasi galiojimas.
Jûs nedirbate FTB, tiesa?

Dar studijuoju akademijoje.
- Dþekas Kraufordas atsiuntë studentæ?
- Esu studentë ir noriu ko nors ið Jûsø iðmokti.

Gal jûs sprendþiate, tinku ðiam darbui ar ne.
Gudrus posûkis, agente Starling.
Praðau atsisësti.
O dabar papasakokite, kà jums pasakë ponas Migs,
tas ið gretimos kameros.

Kaþkà paðnabþdëjo. Kà?
That is rather slippery of you,
Agent Starling.

Sit, please.
Now then, tell me.
What did Miggs say to you?

Multiple Miggs in the next cell.
He hissed at you. What did he say?
He said "I can smell your cunt."
I see.
I myself cannot.
You use Evyan skin cream.
And sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps.
But not today.
Did you do all these drawings, Doctor?
