Thelma & Louise

We're going to have someone here,
at the house, on the phones...

...until we find them.
The important thing is not to let on
that you know anything.

We'll try to find out where they are.
I don't want to get too personal...
...but do you have
a good relationship with your wife?

I love Thelma.
I don't intend anything by that, sir.
It's just a question I have to ask.
Are you close with her?

Yeah. I guess.
I mean...
...I'm about as close as I can be
to a nutcase like that.

Well, if she calls, just be gentle.
You know, like,
you're really happy to hear from her.

Like you really miss her.
Women love that shit.
Okay, if you say so.
"Women love that shit."
Sorry it's just....
Oh, cool. Can I wear these?
Want anything?
