What About Bob%3F

July 31st, Bob Wiley,
introductory interview,
multiphobic personality,
characterized by acute
separation with anxiety,

and extreme need for family connections,
bill the usual rates for the
interview and $29.95 for the book.

It's your publisher,
he's says Good Morning America is
definitely coming to Lake Winnipeusaukee.

Thank You.
Baby steps onto the elevator,
Baby steps into the elevator,
I'm in the elevator,
Manhattan exchange.
Yes this is Bob Wiley,
I'm a patient of Dr Marvin's,

I have to speak with him
right away, it's urgent...

I'm sorry Mr Wiley,
but Dr Marvin's out of...

My name is Bob and you are?
Betty, hi!
Bob, Dr Marvin's out of town,
and Dr Harmon's taking his calls.

I know that Betty,
it's just that there's been some confusion,
I was supposed to call Dr Marvin,
but I've lost his phone number.
Bob, I can't give out that number.
I know that Betty,
but you could call
him on the other line,

and tell him that I'm on hold on
the other line, could you please?

Thanks Betty please...
