What About Bob%3F

turrets syndrome.
What's turrets syndrome?
What's turrets syndrome?
Oh, I'm very proud of Baby Steps
very encouraged by its success.
I think the greatest challenge to me,
aside from writing, was inviting...

Shit for brains!
Butt head!
Dingleberry butt!
snot face!
vulture vomit!
Turkey tits!
belch breath!
Open this door!
Sigmund! Sigmund, open
this door immediately!

I'm sorry dad.
What is going on around here?
turrets, dad.
I'm sorry Da... Leo... Dr Marvin.
I don't want to hear another
peep out of this room!

People are trying to sleep around here!
Honey, it's just kids being kids.
Well tomorrow is the most
important day of my career!

We're sorry, we'll stop.
We just got carried away.
It'll never happened again.

I want you out of here by 6:30
do you understand me?

The camera crew is coming at
7, I want you out by 6:30!

Sure, would you like
something for sleep?

I have Valium if you need it.
No! I don't need any Valium!
Halcium, Seconol?
I want some peace and quiet!
I'll be quiet.
I'll be peace.
Come on Bob.
Come on, here we go.
We've just got to get your father
through Good Morning America tomorrow.

Bob gave you great thing to
be afraid of instead of death.
