Xiao ao jiang hu zhi dong fang bu bai

Highlanders are looked down
by the Mainlanders.

What we have done...
Is for the good of our Highlanders.
Forgive me, I'm short-sighted.
You haven't slept with me
for 6 months.

I think that you dislike me.
I think you've forgotten me Cici.
I worked very hard for our kingdom.
But how many people
will remember Dawn?

Who is heartless?
Everyone is heartless!

Why we'd keep on doing
for these heartless people?

The world is so beautiful,
many heroes are willing to sacrifice.
Do you think your Head Chief, Wu,
is locked inside or not?
The one inside may be Dawn.
Many guards around.
We'd act separately.
Let's risk our lives.
Sword, hammer, shield. Go ahead.
- Sword.
- Hammer.

Hammer wins.
- Shield.
- Hammer!

Shield wins. I'll go inside,
you'll guard outside.

Chinese are so cunning.
This is your choice.
Watch out!
A rare guest!
Retreat to the hiding place.
