A Few Good Men

You'll be seeing Colonel Jessep.
You've heard of him?

Who hasn't?
The papers say he's tipped for
the National Security Council.

- Santiago sent these from GlTMO.
- That's Guantanamo Bay.

He wrote to all the senior officers,
even his senator.

He wanted a transfer.
No one Iistened. Are you with me?

Then he offered to trade information
about the shooting for a transfer.

Right. Is that all?
It seems your client had
a motive to kill Santiago.

- Got you! And Santiago is... who?
- The victim.

These Ietters are not flattering
about Marine Corps life?

And an investigation might
embarrass the Security Council guy?

- Colonel Jessep...
- 12 years.

If they drop "conspiracy" and
"conduct unbecoming".

- You haven't done anything yet!
- Impressive, huh?

- You'll have to go deeper.
- Do you have jurisdiction here?

My job is to make sure
you do your job.

So my jurisdiction's in your face.
Read the Ietters.
Report when you return from Cuba.

- Dismissed!
- I always forget that part.

He's preoccupied.
He has a baseball game next week.

Tell him not to get cute.
Guantamo marines are fanatical.

- About what?
- About being marines.
