A River Runs Through It

He almost always chose a path
along the Big Blackfoot...

which we considered our family river.
It was there he felt his soul restored
and his imagination stirred.

Long ago rain fell on mud
and became rock.

Halt a billion years ago.
But even before that,
beneath the rocks...

are the words of God.
And if Paul and I listened
very carefully all our lives...

we might hear those words.
Even so, Paul and I received as many
hours of instruction in fly-fishing...

as we did
in all other spiritual matters.

As a Presbyterian,
my father believed...

that man, by nature,
was a damn mess...

and that only by picking up
God's rhythms...

were we able to regain
power and beauty.

To him, all good things, trout as well
as eternal salvation, come by grace.

And grace comes by art,
and art does not come easy.

So my brother and I learned to cast
Presbyterian style:

on a metronome.
He began each session
with the same instruction:

Casting is an art that is performed
on a four-count rhythm...

between 10:00 and 2:00.
If he had had his way, nobody
who did not know how to catch a fish...

would be allowed to disgrace a fish
by catching it.
