Alien 3

And you don't know that.
He's never lied to me.
He's crazy,...
..he's a fool, but he's not a liar!
He's telling the truth.
l'd like to talk to him
about this... this dragon.

lt's a dragon!
You won't talk to anyone.
l'm not interested in your opinion.

You are not in full possession ofthe facts.
He is a convicted murderer,
known for particularly brutal crimes.

- lsn't that right, Mr Dillon?
- Yeah.

That part's right.
Then l'll talk to you. lt's important.
When l've finished with my official duties,
l'll be pleased to have a little chat. Yes?

Let me see if l have this correct,

lt's an eight-foot creature,
with acid for blood,...

..and it arrived on your spaceship.
lt kills on sight and is...
generally unpleasant.

And you expect me
to accept all this on yourword.

No. l don't expect anything.
Quite a story, Mr Aaron.
Right, sir. lt's a beauty.
Never heard anything quite like it, sir.

Expect not. Tell me, Lieutenant,
what would you suggest we do?

Well, what kind ofweapons have you got?
This is a prison. lt's not a good idea
to allow prisoners access to firearms.

lt keeps them from killing you.
There's no way to escape.
With the arrival ofthe next supply ship,...

..the company will eliminate it.
This is a maximum security prison...
..and you have no weapons of any kind?
We have some carving knives
in the abattoir,...

..a few more in the mess hall,
some fire axes.

Nothing terribly formidable.
That's all?
We're on the honour system.
