Batman Returns

Batman napalmed my arm.
He knocked me off a building just
when I started to feel good about myself.

I want to play an integral part
in his degradation.

A plan is forming.
I want in.
The thought of busting Batman
makes me feel all...

Maybe I'll just give myself a bath
right here.

I challenge the mayor...
... to re-light the Christmas tree
in Gotham Plaza tomorrow night.

Sir, shall we change the channel
to a program with some dignity and class?

The Love Connection perhaps?
... not that I have any faith in the mayor.
But I hope and pray...
... that Batman...
... will be present to preserve the peace.
Why are you doing this?
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
Scare me? I was just scaring myself.
I don't see how, but...
It's nice to see you in the real world,
away from Shreck.

It's nice to be here.
Are you all right?
You look like you have the holiday blues
or something.

Boy, the news these days.
