Batman Returns

I can't do that.
Neither can I.
This is a special bulletin.
The Ice Princess has been kidnapped.

Can you confirm reports of Batman's
suspected involvement in the abduction?

The evidence is purely circumstantial.
This was found, stained with blood,
in the missing girl's dressing room.

- I must go.
- No, it's your house.

Hold on. Just sit for a second and relax.
I'll be right back.

I've got to go to the plaza.
- He is begging me to show.
- I hoped you'd snub him.

I can't. There's been a kidnapping.
Here's what I want you to do.

Tell Selina, Ms. Kyle,
I had to go out of town.

Tell her that a big business deal came up...
You know what?

Let her know, not in some kind of dumb,
"be-my-girlfriend" way...

I'll relay the message.
Mr. Wayne told me to tell you that...
Bruce, yes...
Would you tell him...
...I've been going through...
a lot of changes and...

Just that...
...this is not a rejection...
:07:36 abruptly leaving.
In fact, he makes me feel the way...
...I hope I really am.
Could you just make up a sonnet or...
a dirty limerick?

One has just sprung to mind.
This way, ma'am.
