Bob Roberts

It was an idealistic attempt.
This was the late '50s, pre-hippie.
We tried to establish a community based
on the idea of collective responsibility.

It's a crazy idea. It was nuts.
It was an unrealistic environment
for a child to grow up in.

We moved to Philadelphia
when Bobby was three.

It'll be cold today. Chilly, chilly as the leaves
of autumn make way for the wind of winter.

Early snow was reported in some mountain
regions but don't dust off the skis yet, folks.

Here in Philly it's a brisk 43.
Now, Kelly Noble interiews
senatorial candidate Bob Roberts.

I must say that I'm not a fan of your music.
I find it offensive.

I wouldn't vote for you
if my life depended on it.

Good morning, Philadelphia.
Our guest today is Bob Roberts,

Pennsylvania senatorial candidate
and folk singer.

Our viewers are curious about where it began.
Where did it start for you?

Where did what start?
Was it a small colonial home
with a mom in a starched dress
and a dad in a seersucker suit?

- You're speaking of my upbringing?
- Yes.

I came to speak about the issues
but I will indulge your personality search.

I was born and raised lower middle-class
right outside the city of brotherly love,

My father was a fry cook, my mother
a peacenik. I had no brothers or sisters.

Make your judgements if you must.
He was a model student.
So full of life and energy.
Some of the other kids didn't like him
very much. But I did. Very much.

Increasing restlessness and trouble
with authority figures and classmates

create problems for Bob in high school,
and by his senior year his grades have fallen.

[Bob] I know what it's like to be without
a home. I was homeless when I was 17.

I didn't ramble, I didn't roam.
No boxcars or park benches.

No panhandling for me.
I went straight to work,
earned enough money on my own
