Bob Roberts

[Audience boos]
This next little ditty is dedicated to you.
- One, two, three, four!
- Cobra, come in.

Some people must have
Some people have not
And they complain and complain
and complain and complain and complain

Some people will work
Some simply will not
But they'll complain and complain
and complain and complain and complain

Like this
It's society's fault I don't have a job
It's society's fault I am a slob

I've got potential no one can see
Give me welfare, let me be me...

What's going on?
Hey, bud
You're living in the land of the free

No one's gonna hand you opportunity...
Bob Roberts doesn't represent the common
man. He represents big business.

- Contemptible yuppie scum.
- It's about his money.

He talks about traditional American values,
as if he defined what they were,

as if traditional American values
meant greed, distrust and avarice.

[Man] He passes the blame onto the silent,
who he knows will not respond.

According to Bob Roberts,
the disenfranchised are the problem,

like blaming the woman for the rape
or the dead for the murder.

[Woman] What I learned about
traditional American values

was that they had something to do
with altruism, equality and kindness.

[Man] Forget human rights, forget
women's rights, forget helping the homeless.

All that's gonna go away.
They'll take all the money everybody makes
and use it for their own benefit.

Bob Roberts is not for the people.
He's for himself and the people
who have made him powerful.
