Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Guys, tonight we gotta go out and party.
If you spent more time sleeping,
you'd spend less time on the court sucking.

You were a bonehead out there yesterday.
Anyway, I'm booked. Gotta spend
some quality time with the little lady.

- Pushover. You're such a pushover.
- You guys are pathetic.

- I'm blowing. Andy, you coming?
- I'll catch a ride with Jeffrey.

- Later.
- Slam dunk.

Jeffrey, I don't wanna sound sexist
or anything, but can I borrow her?

- Andy.
- No way.

You'd get her dirty.
He would, honey. He's an animal.

- See you at my house.
- Don't look.

Oh, man.
I'm not in the mood for this.
OK, whoever's behind me
better be gone when I turn around.

What are you? Are you some kind
of weirdo or somethin'? Huh?

The cause of death was
a neck wound that resembled,

in the words of one bystander,
"a really gross hickey".

In a related story, the body of the third slasher
victim has disappearedfrom the morgue.

- There it is.
- Have fun. Be good. Stay away from the Jag.

I know.
- That's everything.
- Bye.

Kiss noise. Bye-bye, Bobby.
- Bye.
- ...victim was found today, the fourth.

And Lulu just can't get pregnant.
