
Buster get the lineup
for the second half?

Sonny's up first,
but he's all show.

Robby Gillors next.
You know what he's about.

- Grab me some towels.
- Where are they?

- Back there.
- And then there's Frank and Tank.

- They covered?
- Yep.

So we'll wing it with the last man.
Gillon will save him to the end.

Ray will be fine. I've seen every
cracker on every farm in the county.

That's five fights to finish up
by midnight, in five hours.

Can you do that?
Shit! Is he breathing?
Get him.
Watch his neck.

- Somebody get his legs.
- I got them.

Get him back.
Watch his head.

He's alive.
This jaw looks terrible, Fish.
How's that eye?
Is it hemorrhaging?

His nose is busted.
The right eye is hemorrhaging.
- Got a pulse.
- Who am I? Do you know who I am?

My hat.
- I lost my hat. Find my hat.
- Easy, buddy.

I told you about that. I don't want
to see that thing in here again.

Okay, let's go.
You want to bet?
Let's bet!

I need one-five, Victor.
A million and a half dollars.

Or I forfeit
and you can kill me now.

There it is.
All of mine against all of yours.

Now there's only one question:
You got any balls
or just that two-inch dick?

I wish I had a bar of soap
to wash your mouth out with.

We here to talk
about what's in your bathroom...

or what's in your fucking vault?
Are you going or not?
That's quite a sum of money.
It's just a tad more
than what I really have.

I tell you what...
why don't you throw in
that property you own around town?

Then we'll just call it even.
