
A vampire bat must consume ten times
its own weight in blood each day, -

- or its own blood cells will die.
Cute little vermin.
Blood, and diseases of the blood
such as syphilis concern us here.

The very name venereal diseases,
the diseases of Venus, -

- imputes to them divine origin.
They involve the sex problem, -

- about which the ethics and ideals
of Christianity are concerned.

Civilization and syphilization
have advanced together.

- What is this?
- It's from the telegraph.

Thank you.
Gentlemen, that will be all.

Dawn. These may be the last words
I write in this journal.

Dracula has left me with these
women, these devils of the pit.

They drain my blood to keep
me weak, so I cannot escape.

I will try one last time today
to find a passageway to the river.
