Far and Away

The race begins tomorrow at noon.
Again, each quarter section is marked.
- You run for land-
- Where can l get a horse?

Well, you're a little late,

Pickings are slim.
Now, this here horse is broke.
That horse there-
green broke.

Know the difference?
Think l can see it.
A broke horse
is a dependable horse.

A green broke horse-
he's faster.

That sounds good.
The faster, the better.

No telling what he'll do though.
Hell, you could end up in Canada
on that green broke son of a bitch.

Stand back!
l think l'll take
the dependable horse.

l would.
You go out and get you a good piece
of land tomorrow now, Joseph.

Thank you, Ralph.
l'm cursed.
Oh, Lord, l'm cursed.
Mother, the clothes will never come
clean if you don't get your hands wet.
