
And you have to help others
in order to do that.

You need a role, even if it's a
humble role. It gives you self-worth.

I'm not one of those
who says money's not important.

It's very important, especially when
you're down and out on your luck...

... like I was. A buck can be
the difference between life and death...

... but, at the same time,
money isn't everything.

Is he like that in real life?
So gorgeous?
He's pretty remarkable.
You didn't get it on with him?
Don't be ridiculous. I'm a reporter.
Oh, what? Reporters don't
have hormones?

Reporters have to rise above
their hormones.

- After that, he needs to be a person.
- The guy is a natural.

He needs to be part of society.
You can be that by helping others.
You need to help those
who need help.

You've helped me.
You've made me a hero.

That makes you a hero.
If we help each other,
we can all be heroes.

We're all heroes, huh?
LaPlante, Bernard.
- LaPlante.
- Me?

- We made bail, ace.
- You lucky!

- Me?
- Come on.

Lucky they're taking your raggedy ass
out of here!

If bail wasn't reduced, how...?
I took a loan on my car
and my computer.

You paid a bondsman 10%?
I was inspired by the hero.
How he stuck his neck out for others,
and took a chance and...

That fake inspired you to loan me,
a guy fired off his job, $2,500?

A guy who'll probably do time?
You're an attorney.

You should use good judgment.
As you like to point out,
I am relatively inexperienced.

My naiveté worked to your benefit.
You're right. I'm glad.
You got me out. I appreciate it.

Oh, Miss O'Day.
Miss O'Day? Come here.
Now that you loaned me $2,500, can I
have $20 for cab fare? Please?
