
Tell me why you like it...
and it's yours.
That's enough.
Madame Devries, 500?

I sketched that landscape
dozens of times as a boy.

But I was never satisfied.
It needed...

that valley and hill
in partial shade.

They don't exist.
The artist invented them.
Me, I wouldn't have dared.
At age ten, one doesn't know
the world needs to be changed.

I need this painting.
I suffocate in Saigon
without the seashore.

I do not parade my feelings
before strangers, as you do.

Especially when something moves me.
All right.
The benefit of the doubt, then.
Madame Devries is a collector.
Mind your own business!
Me no trafficker.
Me never traffic opium.
French officer knows me.

My madame sick...
I go get medicine.
What is the time?
8:09, Lieutenant.
No boats in the delta after 8:00.
You know what to do.

Stop! That man's papers are in order!
You're crazy!
They didn't do anything!
In just one year,
they've drained you!

You're already glassy-eyed,
like someone lying in an opium den.

Soon this country will suck you dry.
