Jennifer Eight

You said you were in the badlands.
No, I don't pray.
I had a dream once about God.
It was just about the time I was getting
well, and he was a nasty looking guy.

He moved into the apartment right above.
And I said,
"Don't you listen to people's prayers?"

He said, "Prayers?"
"Not often. They're junk mail."
You're pushing too hard.
It's like you want me to say stop.

You must know it's going that way.
We've got other cases so ease up a little.

This is a major, chief.
- We're closer than ever to this guy.
- So where's the body and why hide it?

He hasn't. He never made a hit this far
north nor read a weather forecast.

She's probably 1 5 feet from the highway,
three feet under snow.

Got a match on the bullet?
- Got a print from the hand?
- No, sir.

It could be anyone's hand.
Illegally disposed of hospital debris.

It's her hand and scars.
Her dog was shot and she's missing.

She's not missing.
Did she scream? Did he coerce her?

No. She left of her own free will.
And if she gets on a plane and goes to
Peru with the prick, she's still not missing.

I love to paint. It's not great art,
but I switched the colours.

- If you're not going to hear me...
- I have heard you.

You just don't like hearing me.
You got this whole thing out of proportion.
I don't know about Los Angeles,

but I don't believe
there's a police chief in the country

who would put together
a task force for a body part.

We have multiple homicide.
We have a body part
under suspicious circumstances.

A tailor's dummy wearing a brassiere
and a bill for $1 7 for its wig.

You know the great joy of fishing?
You don't have to think.

Just you and the mackerel
and nothing in between but God.
