Jennifer Eight

Could I have a number of a taxi, please?
There was a gale that night.
All the doors were swinging.

So this door comes back,
clips you, and down you go.

Within 35 seconds of unconsciousness,
you were on the fire escape.

And you're really confused.
You don't know if Tuesdays come in twos
or happen once a week.

You see a figure coming up the stairs.
Ross isn't meant to be on the stairs.
He challenges you.

And this ain't a piece of wood
with a nail through it.

This guy's got a 1 2-gauge Winchester
up your nose, and he's drunk.

You're dizzy, and your eye's full of blood.
You ain't thinking good,
and you're seeing worse.

And... wow... it just went off.
You just put him down.
And you get hit by a Glaser,
you stay down.

But he ain't dead.
Now you realise, you shot your partner.

"Oh, Suzanna,
how am I going to get out of this one?"

I know.
Serial killer shot him.
And now...
:34:49 comes the malice, bro.
1 7 seconds later,
you put another one in his throat.
