Jennifer Eight

Let me ask you a question,
before I forget.

- Do you take medication for that?
- For what?

- Breathlessness.
- No.

Let me answer your question:
"What is the relevance of the janitor?"

Why don't I take you through it
from where I'm sitting?

At some time between 2:00 and 2:30,
the janitor thought he heard
a vehicle approaching through the woods.

He looks out, sees nothing.
No lights, nothing.

He figures it must be hunters.
Some time later, he hears a noise.
A door. Maybe a window slam.
He gets up, and between 2:30 and 2:45
he makes a search with a flashlight
of the top three floors.

Finding nothing untoward,
he goes back to his apartment on the roof.

The flashlight you saw was his.
The footsteps you heard were his.
The elevator you were chasing
up and down was empty.

It's prone to such activity
due to an electrical fault.

Apparently it happens
frequently during gales.

The gale that was swinging the door,
knocked you down
and confused you so much.

And so here we are
back to where I'm sitting.

Why don't you tell me
what really went on that night?

There are two men
that know I didn't kill him.

One is me,
and the other is the man that did.

Which man is this?
We just dealt with the man.
