Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha

You took off the
bullet-proof vest, why?

lt's full of dynamite!
Dynamite? That creep!
l mustn't get hit.
l mustn't get hit either!
Get in!
l shouldn't have brought
you here.

You really are clumsy!
You are clumsy yourself!
See if anything can be used.
lt has no bullets.
Move, and l shoot!
What did he say?
No idea. l guess they
daren't shoot.

l count to 3 and we pretend to
throw grenades.

1, 2, 3.
What did you say?
Pretend to throw grenades!
Next time speak more clearly
Chaibat, come out!
What's is so serious, General?
You take the law into your
own hands in my compound.

You're not giving me face.
You aren't giving me any either.
You didn't help me over this
Blaming me! What am l to say
to the others?

You don't have to.
As of now, l'll buy all the
stuff here.

l'll make good to you this loss.
Compensation alone can't
settle everything.
