Lashou shentan

So far, the police
have not been able to--

- Don't do it.
- Shut up, bitch!

Unit number 3, tell them
to stop filming, no pictures.

The walls are like ice.
Must be the morgue in there.

Good. That's handy.
If we die,
they can just chuck us in.

It's just the two of us here.
Up there are hundreds of people
in trouble, so drop the self-pity.

I started in this to help end crime.
But I end up killing the innocent.

I only wanted to be a regular cop.
When I started,
there was only one job:

undercover and triad brother.
It's all right.
Just keep calm.

- Don't you have any dreams?
- Yeah.

I want to move down to Antarctica.
It's freezing there.
You enjoy the cold?

It's got a lot going for it.
It's always light.

I'd like that,
after all this darkness.

Dreams are supposed
to be attainable, like mine.

I always wanted to be a musician,
but I became a cop.

Life should be about fun.
Come on.
