My Cousin Vinny

You shouId be.
How the fuck did I get into this shit?
''Oh, sure. No probIem. I couId win the case.''
I aIready got myseIf sent to jaiI twice.
I couId win this thing, though.
I know I couId.

If I couId keep my ass awake and outtajaiI
Iong enough, betcha I couId, huh?

You know what I think? HonestIy?
I think that once you're out there
and you're doin' your thing,...

..I think you're gonna be reaIIy great.
ReaIIy great.
:45:44 don't fuck up.
(cock crows)
(pigs squealing)
If this was a conspiracy,
they'd have to get aII those peopIe to Iie.

Do you think that's what's happening?
Look, I think we shouId meet with
the pubIic defender. See what he's Iike.

If he's honest, then we shouId go with him.
AII right.
- That's death row in there.
- It is?

The chair ain't working Iike it used to.
The guy we fried Iast week - took us
three attempts and his head caught fire.
