My Cousin Vinny

See, there's no money in the budget
to get it Iooked at.

I say it'd be cheaper to get it fixed than
keeping running up them extra eIectric biIIs.

Hi, StanIey.
My name is John Gibbons...
..and I'm an attorney
in the pubIic defender's office.

- Hi, John.
- Hey.

Now, the evidence against you
is pretty strong, so, um,...

..why don't you just teII me
your side of the story?

- Hey, Vin.
- Hey, BiIIy.

How are ya?
- How do you feeI? OK?
- AII right.

- Where's Stan?
- Uh, Stan, he's not comin'.

He's, um...
WeII, he wants to go with the pubIic defender.
Listen, Vin...
I'm going with the pubIic defender, too.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I just didn't know
what IittIe experience you have with this.

- What, are you scared?
- Yeah, I'm scared.

Maybe I couId have handIed
the preIiminary a IittIe better.

But what's most important
is winning the case.

I couId do it. I reaIIy couId.
Let me teII you how, OK?
The DA's gotta buiId a case.
BuiIding a case is Iike buiIding a house.

Each piece of evidence is a buiIding bIock.
He wants to make
a brick bunker of a buiIding.

He wants to use serious,
soIid-Iooking bricks, Iike these, right?

- Right.
- Let me show you something.
