Noises Off...

I'm off. Tax on women?
They'll tax anything these days.

You're in trouble, you see?
- WC? I'll fix it.
- Vicki!

Sheikh! I thought you were coming
at 4.00!

And this is your charming wife?
You want to see over the house now?
Since you're upstairs...

- Him and his floozy!
- Let's start downstairs.

Who are you?
I don't know who she is.
No connection with the house.

- This good lady with the sardines...
- This time, I'm eating them.

:38:50 fully occupied.
The toilet facilities...

- Mrs Clackett, who are these people?
-Just Arab sheikhs.

I'm sorry.
This is the downstairs bathroom.

- Upstairs, we have...
- Your ballcocks have gone.

- We have him.
- Irish linen sheets off my own bed!

- In the study, however...
- Give me that sheet!

There she stands in her smalls
for all the world to see.

- It's my little girl.
- Dad!

- My little Vicki that ran away.
- Would you believe it?

- What are you doing here?
- What about you?

I'm taking our files on tax evasion
to Basingstoke.

Where's my other sheet?
Ah, a house of heavenly peace!
I rent it!

- You!
- Is it?

I still have my trousers round
my ankles. I have no dresser.

Get Tim to help you.
Tim! Where's Tim?
Come on, Tim!
- What?
- Oh, you're acting.

- I must have dozed off.
- Never mind.
