Of Mice and Men

We ain't got any.
Whatever we ain't got,
that's what you want.

- What d'you want?
- George, l was only fooling.

l don't... l don't want no ketchup.
lf it was here, you could have some.
George, l wouldn't eat no ketchup.
l'd leave it all for you
and you could cover your beans with it.

l wouldn't touch none of it.
When l think of the swell time
l could have without you, phew, l go nuts.

l never get any peace.
lf l was alone, l could live so easy.
l could get a job and work and no trouble.
And when the end of the month come,
l could take my 50 bucks,

l could go into town,
l could get whatever l want.

l could stay in a cathouse all night.
What do l got?
l got you.
You can't keep a job.
Lose me every job l get.

Keep me shovin' all over
the country, all the time.

That ain't the worst.
You get in trouble. You do bad things
and l got to get you out all the time!

Crazy son of a bitch, you keep me
in hot water all the time.

George, you... you want l should
go away and leave you alone?

Where the hell would you go?
