Patriot Games

- five of whom are now dead.
I suggest limiting your appointments.
I will not have my itinerary
dictated to me by terrorists.

The traitor had better
pray to God I never find him.

We know you'll do
your best, Sergeant.

- We don't know if we're coming home.
- We don't know if we're coming home.

- Stand, buckle up, shuffle to the door.
- Stand, buckle up, shuffle to the door.

Jump right out
and shout Marine Corps!

Egesta appealed to Athens
on what basis? On what grounds?

Mr. Biederman...
Bad time for you?

Well... they said they'd be grateful.
Didn't they?

"Fight our battle.
The world will fear and respect you."

- Didn't the world fear Athens already?
- Didn't matter.

- Why not?
- Pride, sir.

That's the real battle they lost.
Attention on deck!
Attention to orders.
I've a presentation to make -
- for service above and beyond the call
of duty of a tourist. Even a marine.

We recognize Professor John Ryan
with the Order of the Purple Target.

And hope that he will duck next time
lest he become part of history -

- rather than a teacher of it.
