Raising Cain

- Kiss her.
- What?

In five seconds those guys
will be in your face

and what do you look like, killer?
Go on, kiss her!

(Man) Ooh! Well done.
- When did you get out?
- Move over.

Isn't this pleasant?
We just gonna sit here all day?

- What are you doing here?
- I'm saving your ass, that's what.

I was supposed to be an observer.
What I'm observing is very odd.

Twins chatting in the front,
the driver slumped over the wheel.

- What is wrong with this?
- I don't need you!

"I don't need you!" (Chuckles)
Let's get out of here, Carter,
before we're seen...

because, believe me,
we'll be remembered.

Drop me at the corner.
I could use a drink.

- Don't follow me.
- "Don't follow me."

- Stop that!
- "Stop that."

All right, all right.
- Jesus.
- Oh, Carter...

you're a thankless dope.
I was only trying to help,
which, of course, I did.

This thing you're doing
means everything to the old man

and you can't fuck it up.
- I'm not fucking anything up.
- Oh, really?

What were you planning on doing
with the little missus?

I'm gonna...
take her back to the park
and leave her there.

Very good. I see you've got this
all thought out(!)

"Take her back to the park
and leave her there." Then what?

When the chloroform wears off,
she'll be fine.

- And the cops will come for you.
- I won't hurt her!

You won't hurt her, she'll hurt you!
