Reservoir Dogs

You got an idea, spit it out.
Joe could help.
If we could get in touch with Joe,
Joe could get him to a doctor.

Joe could get a doctor
to come to see him.

Assuming we can trust Joe,
how we gonna get in touch with him?

He's supposed to be here, but he ain't,
which makes me nervous about bein' here.

Even if he is on the up and up, I don't
think he's gonna be too happy with us.

He planned a robbery and
he's got a bloodbath on his hands now.

He's got dead cops, dead robbers,
dead civilians.

I tend to doubt he's gonna have
a lot of sympathy for our plight.

If I was him, I'd put as much distance
between me and this mess as possible.

Before you got here,
Mr. Orange...

was askin' me to take him
to a doctor, to a hospital.

I don't like the idea of
turnin' him over to the cops...

but if we don't,
he's gonna die.

He begged me to do it.
Well, all right.
Then I guess we take him to a hospital.

If that's what he said,
let's do it.

Since he don't know nothin' about us,
I say it's his decision.

He knows a little about me.
What? Wait, wait.
You didn't tell him your name, did you?

I told him my first name
and where I was from.

I told him where I was from
a few days ago.

It was just
a natural conversation.

What was tellin' him your name
when you weren't supposed to?

He asked.
We had just gotten away from the cops.
He just got shot.

It was my fault he got shot.
He's a fuckin' bloody mess.
He's screamin'.
I swear to God, I thought he was
gonna die right then and there.

I'm tryin' to comfort him,
telling him not to worry...

everything's going to be okay,
I'm gonna take care of him.

And he asked me
what my name was.

I mean, the man was dyin' in my arms.
What the fuck was I supposed to do?
