Simple Men

I mean he's my best friend
and all but shit, enough's enough.

What happened?
Somebody called the cops and they
came and dragged him out of here.

Then they found out he was wanted
for something in pennsylvania.

That's your brother out there?
- Yeah.
- Your older brother?

- Yeah.
- You do whatever he says.

- No, not always.
- He looks bossy.

- He's okay.
- He likes kate.

- You think so?
- Most men like kate.

- Do you?
- Yes, i do.

You ought to see her
in a bathing suit.

But she won't have
nothing to do with me.

She seems kind ofjumpy.
Jumpy women are great.
Yeah, well, i wouldn't
know about that.

No, i guess you wouldn't.
There you go.
See you later.
They don't move
by themselves, you know.

There's geometry involved.
Listen, i've been thinking...
you're right.

Maybe we should ditch
the bike somewhere.

Kate says we can stay on here
a couple extra days.
