-There are no mistakes.
What is that? What's that mean?
Give me the phone.
I'm going to call my
new semigirlfriend.
You're gonna scare her off.
She's beautiful.
Anyone would call her.
-Distinguish yourself by not calling.
-P.S., that's how you get her.
-No, Bailey, you don't understand.
Am I the only one that remembers
your last three girlfriends?
You're right.
I gotta let this one breathe.
Yes. You're concerned about dioxins.
Let me give you Greenpeace's number.
-So how'd it go?
-I got the boat.
-The trip to Alaska's set.
-Oh, great, Linda.
-That is great.
-Oh, Steve on two.
-Four days he waits to call me.
So, what do I tell him?
-Tell him I went out for groceries.
She went out for groceries.
He's coming right over.
-What do you mean, nothing?
-Nothing is wrong.
Really. Thanks.
-We connected.
-This is a small office.
-Is this because I didn't call?
-Did you call?
I don't know why you're
being like this. I like you.
I'll call you, or you call me.
-I'm sorry if I blew it by not calling.
-You don't owe me anything.
-Is this about your ex who calls?
-Andy doesn't.
-Ponytail, right?
-Mr. Sensitive Ponytail Man.
-He is not Mr. Sensitive Ponytail Man.