Sister Act

You got nothing
on me, Souther.

And if you don't stop
harassing me, I'm gonna--

What? You're gonna what?
Nothing. Nothing, Lieutenant.
What my client is trying
to say is that--

Is that he's scared.
And you know what?
He should be.

Real scared.
See you around, boys.
Something's going on.
He's so damn cocky.
Ah, he's bluffiln', Vince.
Don't worry about it.

- You filnd Deloris?
- She's gone.

We don't know where she is, and she
hasn't been back to her place all day.

He's got Deloris.
We gotta get her back.
Fax her eight-by-ten
to every contact we got.

- I can't hear this.
- Deloris Van Cartier.

A quarter of a mil,
dead or alive.

This is your cell,
Mary Clarence.

- My what?
- Your cell.

Your room.
Oh, man.
No wonder you waited till now
to spring this on me.

It's like a nightmare.
Where's the rest
of the furniture?

Our lives are simple.
We have little need
for material possessions.

This is out
of the Stone Age.

- Where's the phone?
- Who would you call?

I don't know. Satan?
Your cell is
more than adequate.

Fine. What do we do now?
Pray? What?

It's 9:00.
Pleasant dreams.

W-W-Wait. Are you telling me
we go to bed by 9:00?

If I were you, I would use this time to
think about my life and its direction.

Or lack thereof.
There's nothing wrong with my life.
You know, before I came here,

I had a career, I had friends,
I had clothing that filt.

Before I came here,
I was okay.

Oh, really?
From what I've heard,
your singing career
was almost nonexistent...
